Euro Turnover
Explore Our Services
Transport, distribution and logistics tailored to every customer.
For Corneel Geerts Transport Group, it has been a speciality for over half a century of which we are particularly proud. Reliability, flexibility, an individual approach and specialisation are watchwords for us in our vision of the service we offer.
By offering transport, distribution and logistics under the umbrella of Corneel Geerts Transport Group, we can always suggest the most customer-focused and cost-effective solution for our customers. As a family business, we seek to build long-term relationships with our customers.
Delivery services
Weekly Departures to Europe
Countries With Daily Departures
IFA X-Docks in Europe
X-Docks in Benelux
CG X-Docks
People Employed
Years of Experience
Distri Trucks
Wine transport within Europe from all wine-producing countries.
Automotive Parts
Parts distribution in Europe is one of our key segments.
Food & Nutrients
Dry food and canned products.
Warehousing VAS
More than 20.000 m² logistic capacity, 4000 pallet places.
Special materials, trailers and warehouse equipment give us the possibility to handle different types of tires.
Chemicals & ADR
CG entire fleet, drivers and partners are equipped and licensed to transport chemical products.
Lawn & Garden
On site deliveries for bigger lawn and garden furniture equipment.
No exceptional transport
Health Care
High value and sensible goods.
Cosmetics are products used to enhance or change the appearance of the face, fragrance or the texture of the body.
Consumer Goods
Special build safety and box trailers are used to secure the goods during transport for high value goods.
Arms & Ammunition
Licensed Arms & Ammunition carrier
Industrial E-Commerce
No postal service
Reach Us
We offer transport and distribution throughout Europe with an emphasis on reliability, quality and cost-efficiency with flexible and customer-oriented solutions.
+32 (0)3 326 20 00

Corneel Geerts Transportgroup is a member of the ‘International Forwarding Association’ (IFA organisation), a leading organisation of logistics operators in Europe…

Reliability, flexibility, an individual approach and thorough specialization are key-words for the Corneel Geerts Transport Group in our vision on the service we offer…
“I’ve been with Confreight/Vanguard for 25 years now and I believe that the people at Corneel Geerts Transport Group are the best in the business; Always friendly and correct and therefore a real joy to work with”
Operator at Vanguard Logistics Services
“For a fast and customer centric service Corneel Geerts Transport Group is the best supplier.“
Customer service at SeaLogis
“Very smooth and pleasant relation
Exemplary and respectful when it comes to engagement
Fast responding times.“
Owner at APS