distribution benelux

corneel geerts


Reliability, flexibility, an individual approach and thorough specialization are key-words for the Corneel Geerts Transport Group in our vision on the service we offer.

‘Distri 24’ is our Benelux distribution division and serves a wide variety of customers and orders. The service is provided with 4 own X-Docks platforms in Belgium and in conjuction with 12 partners for the Netherlands and Luxembourg and has its own logistics infrastructure.

The transports between the logistic branches are carried out overnight to ensure time efficiency.

Our distribution division serves a wide variety of customer and orders. One of its specialisations is the distribution of shoes. We deliver over 1000 boxes of shoes to shops throughout the country every week.

Distri 24 has its central hub at Corneel Geerts Transportgroup in Antwerp. The size of the shipments may vary from one pallet to several. Distri 24 guarantees delivery within 24 hours in the Benelux, or within two days for deliveries to Zeeland Flanders.

Within our organization every truck is foreseen from an onboard computer, with GPS signal and they all are connected to one online platform. This gives our customers online track & trace in real-time and guaranteed E-POD within 24 hours.




Distri 24 is a strong partner for European customers to access the territory of the Benelux countries.

The interaction between the IFA organisation and Distri 24 ensures the fastest possible deliveries to every corner of the Benelux countries.

  • Benelux distribution within 24 hours.
  • 800 trucks are on the road every day to ensure an optimum service.
  • Over 600 staff members
  • Team of drivers with ADR specialists
  • Distri 24 handles over 100.000 pallets a year.
  • Distri 24 is part of the I.F.A. organization of which Corneel Geerts Transport Group is a member, realizing 158 departures per week from Belgium to 30 different European countries.
  • Distri 24 complements ‘Corneel Geerts Flyer’, our 24/7 express service in Europe