✔ High value and sensible goods
✔ CG is ISO certified and is working with a closed last mile network and partnerships. Most of them are member of IFA network where we have very high entering requirements and 6 monthly audits.
✔ All last mile (small vehicles) are equipped with; tail lift, electric trans pallet, security materials & hand trolley to make the most efficient delivery possible. Also bigger trailers can be ordered with tail lift and trans pallet.
✔ CG transport management system is built to give cosmetic customers the possibility to track & trace their shipments real time status door to door being unique in Europe.
✔ The booking manager is an own designed system for managing booking slots at delivery place with full visibility of all tracked records, this avoids penalties due to late on time delivery at the automotive production lines .
✔ Well trained drivers being aware about specific needs and risks related to the transport and handling of this type of products.
✔ Special build safety and box trailers are used to secure the goods during transport for high risk goods.
✔ On line POD is offered in order to be able to track cargo receiver upon delivery